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Jardim América
Rua Gonçalves Ledo, 805
Tel. 3028.8272
Segunda a sexta: 8:00 as 18:00
Sábado: 8:00 as 13:00

Jardim Carvalho
Rua Alfredo Guimarães Vilela, 311
Tel. 3301.7007
Segunda a sexta: 8:00 as 18:00
Sábado: 8:00 as 13:00

Av. Anita Garibaldi, 1.328
Tel. 3028.4676
Segunda a sexta: 8:00 as 18:00
Sábado: 8:00 as 13:00

Rua Valério Ronchi, 601
Tel. 98878.7585
Segunda a sábado: 09:00 as 22:00
Domingo: 10:00 as 20:00

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